Aquation has developed a fluorescence-based pH monitoring device suitable for measuring seawater carbonate chemistry in marine and estuarine waters.  It measures seawater pH, electrical conductivity (salinity) and temperature. The device is fully autonomous and is designed for deployment for weeks to months, depending on measurement frequency.  Advantages of this device include:

  • pressure insensitive optical measuring method, suitable for deepwater measurements if required
  • no exposed half-cells, no loss of electrolyte or leaching of sensors
  • simple NiMH batteries suitable for hassle-free air transport (lithium batteries available if required)
  • ease of operation


Aquation’s prototype pH monitor

See our Case Study publication in Biogeosciences Discussions “Continuous fluorescence-based monitoring of seawater pH in a temperate estuary, and add your comments!

See also our brochure: pHalkon brochure 14Jul17