Handheld Fluorometer
The Handheld Fluorometer is designed to make field measurements quick and easy. The sensor is mounted on a pistol grip. The thumb is used to open the leaf clip for easy leaf insertion, and then a yield measurement is activated by depressing the trigger. Power and datalogging is provided by the Portable Datalogger that is carried with the shoulder strap provided; measurement profiles can be preprogrammed into the Portable Datalogger prior to commencing measurements (see below).
The Handheld Fluorometer is well suited for making multiple measurements in a field setting. Data sets can be tagged if desired by selecting a number that is subsequently recorded with the data.
[image url=”https://aquation.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/INDI9416nn_400px.jpg” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”190″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ border=”smallBorder” shadow=”1″ width=”400″ height=”600″]
Download the product brochure Aquation Handheld Fluorometer Brochure 23Sep13
* You will need Acrobat® Reader to view the download.
[ul style=”13″]
[li]One-handed operation for ease of use[/li]
[li]Ideal for use when multiple measurements are needed quickly [/li]
[li]Measures ΦPSII [/li]
[li]Leaf temperature sensor enables direct comparison of temperature and ΦPSII[/li]
[li]Integrated PAR sensor provides simultaneous PAR and ΦPSII measurements [/li]
[li]Portable datalogger stores data and executes preloaded programs and schedules [/li]
[li]Detachable sensor can be used with fibre accessory to take continuous measurements in the field [/li]
[li]Battery power and memory sufficient for at least a full days measurements [/li]
[li]Easy-to-use software with an uncluttered interface[/li]
[li]Extensive programmable capacity in software for advanced users[/li]
Portable Datalogger Features
[ul style=”13″]
[li]Lightweight [/li]
[li]Compatible with all sensors; designed for use with Handheld Sensor [/li]
[li]2GB memory [/li]
[li]All data records are time-date stamped [/li]
[li]Tag function enables annotation of data sets with unique identifier[/li]
[li]Can be programmed to automatically make measurements on sample (e.g. overnight) [/li]
[li]Battery powered (solar power optional) [/li]
[li]Can be telemetered to internet (optional) [/li]
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