Satellite Workshop for the 10th International Temperate Reef Symposium

Dr John Runcie (Aquation Pty Ltd) and Dr Jeff Cosgrove (Murdoch University)

On Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st January 2014, Dr Runcie and Dr Cosgrove convened a two day workshop  following  the 10th ITRS at the University of Western Australia.  The workshop provided a forum for new and experienced users of field chlorophyll fluorometers to refresh themselves with the basic theory of the use of this technique in a field setting, and to learn hands-on the operation of a range of devices including Aquation machines.  We spent the first day on theory with some practise inside.  The second day we went to the field, and measured local seagrasses exposed to low to high light during the course of the morning.  Participants had the opportunity to use a range of chlorophyll fluorometers including the Diving-PAM and Aquations Shutter and Classic fluorometers.  The Submersible Photosynthesis Respirometer system was also deployed to demonstrate how net oxygen production by the seagrass assemblage can be measured in the field; this data can then be used to determine primary productivity.  The workshop concluded with an afternoon spent downloading and examining data, with plenty of opportunity for questions and further demonstrations with the equipment.

Notes from this workshop: PAM chl fluorescence workshop_201401_Jeff Cosgrove handout copy

References:  Chl fluorescence workshop References Jan2014:

Also, see  Aquation Tools, in particular the Light Curve interpolator, and the Non-linear least squares regression tool for curve fitting.


Aquation conducts workshop addressing aquatic and terrestrial photosynthesis with an emphasis on the use of chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution techniques for determining plant health, stress and productivity.  Workshops are generally conducted as satellite events associated with relevant conferences, or on invitation.  Please enquire if you are interested in attending the next scheduled workshop or would like to have a customised event held at your institution: